
American Flag

Made in the USA Just Got More Badass Thanks to Kid Rock

Tired of seeing American manufacturing jobs go overseas, Kid Rock is endorsing a new grill to help bring those jobs back home. The American singer, rapper, songwriter, musician, record producer, and actor introduced his “American Badass Grill” on March 3. (Fun Fact: I designed an area rug for Kid Rock’s ...
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Gaining Traction and the Beauty of the One-Page Business Plan

If you’re like most entrepreneurs, there’s a fine line between your business and personal life. When your business spins out of control, there’s a natural spill over into your non-work life. The problem is that most business system books require a significant time investment before you start seeing a return. ...
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Messy office desk

The Useless Items You Need (and Don’t Need) on Your Desk

You spend about as much time at your desk as you do in your bed. I know – depressing. That’s why you need to make your small slice of corporate real estate more than just your workspace. You need to make it your second home.
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Revel team members posing for a picture after winning award

Revel Named One of West Michigan’s 101 Best and Brightest Companies To Work For

GRAND RAPIDS, Mich. – The Best and Brightest competition recognized local creative agency, Revel, as one of West Michigan’s 101 Best and Brightest Companies to Work For.
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Closeup of poker hand of aces in pastel colors

The Value of “Just Doing It.”

Since I’m writing this and I’m sorta lazy, this definitely isn’t about Nike or pushing yourself to your physical limits. It also has nothing to do with Shia LaBeouf, though I suppose there may be a common theme between that life-changing speech and what I’m talking about.
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Blurred businessmen walking around with briefcases

How to Avoid Death by Meeting

We’ve all been there. Sitting in a meeting that’s dragging on, sucking the life out of us, draining the very essence of our being until we emerge as a Night of the Living Dead zombie. We leave the meeting groggy, drained, wondering where the last two hours of our lives ...
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A hand is feeling Andy Maciejewski's dark beard

How to Gain the Respect of Andy Maciejewski

Andy Maciejewski isn’t a man. He’s a force of nature. Trying to control him would be like trying to put a leash on a hurricane. You will fail. There is much to learn from The Andy. Earning his respect has become an international symbol of achievement. If you want to ...
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Kayla, Account Manager, looking surprised

Why doesn’t Kayla go on YouTube?

YouTube is the overlord of online video content, the right arm of Google, and the 2nd most popular search engine in the world. So when it came to my attention that Kayla doesn’t partake the the wonders of YouTube, naturally, I was flabbergasted. This obviously is an issue that required ...
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"Start With Why" by Simon Sinek bullseye graphic

Start With Why to Find Your Organization’s Purpose

Most businesses know what they do and how they do it. Very few know why they exist. Defining that Why is the pivotal question leaders must answer for their organization. Your Why is at the heart of your brand. It gives individuals a reason to believe in your organization, buy ...
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Zen stones in water

Getting Things Done is as easy as 1-2-3

Being in a perpetual state of overwhelm is a defeating feeling. A recent study revealed that a typical adult’s media consumption has risen from 5.2 hours a day in 1945 to over 15 hours today. That’s a whole lot of emails and Facebook posts to digest. How do we tame ...
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Albert Einstein

Being smart starts with SMART Goals

Whether you’re trying to finish an important project at work or complete your first 5K race, goal setting is essential to accomplishing your objectives. We might still be staring up at the summit of Mt. Everest if it weren’t for Edmund Hillary’s goal to be the first to reach the ...
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Woman wearing smartwatch using laptop computer.

4 Reasons You Should Blog About It

One of my New Year’s Resolutions was to blog once a week. I used to blog. I like blogging. Then life got busy – family, kids, running a business, volunteering, coaching – you’ve heard the excuses before. I’ve made every justification for not blogging short of “The dog ate my ...
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