Made in the USA Just Got More Badass Thanks to Kid Rock

Tired of seeing American manufacturing jobs go overseas, Kid Rock is endorsing a new grill to help bring those jobs back home.

The American singer, rapper, songwriter, musician, record producer, and actor introduced his “American Badass Grill” on March 3. (Fun Fact: I designed an area rug for Kid Rock’s home in Clarkston, Michigan back in the day.)

The portable grill comes in gas or charcoal and is large enough to fit 12 burgers. “The American Badass Charcoal Grill is proudly made by Americans, for Americans, with parts from the USA.” according to the company’s website.

Their Facebook page goes on to add, “5.1 million factory jobs have been lost since 2000. It’s time to stand up for the American worker. That’s why the new American Badass Charcoal Grill is 100% Made in the USA.”

It’s cool to be “Made in USA” again. What does Made in USA mean, though? It’s a mark that signifies the country of origin of a product is “all or virtually all” made in the United States. The label is regulated by the Federal Trade Commission (FTC). As you might guess, the FTC means business when it comes to saying a product is Made in USA. As with most other advertising claims, a manufacturer or marketer may make any claim as long as it is truthful and substantiated.

In another video announcing the product, a cigar-chomping Kid Rock boasts, “We got grills that are made in China. We got 50 Cals that are made in America. This is 100 percent, pure American badass.”

Then he does what any red-blooded American Badass rocker with a 50 Caliber Browning Machine Gun would do. He blows a Chinese grill to bits.

What’s more American than Rock & Roll, blowing things up, and grilling up a big, fat, juicy burger? Research shows that sales will likely increase 4% (on average) after signing a celebrity. Will Kid Rock’s endorsement sell more grills? Time will tell. One thing’s for sure, our office cookouts are about to get 100% more badass.

By Jason Piasecki, Partner + Soon-To-Be American Badass Grill Owner


Jason is a Partner and the CEO at Revel, a B2B marketing agency. He is a diehard baseball fan who loves his Detroit Tigers. Family vacations often revolve around seeing games in different MLB ballparks around the country – they’ve been to 21 so far and counting. Connect with him on LinkedIn or Twitter.

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