Meet Kelly Kalis: The Latest Reveler to Join Our Team

We needed a Content Specialist and poof – Kelly Kalis appeared! Her timing wasn’t the only thing impressive – we liked the looks of her resume, too. Let’s just say, if she wore a belt, there would be a whole lot of experience tucked under it!

Kelly started her career in the Detroit area, gaining big and mid-sized agency experience as a writer and Associate Creative Director, heading up the writing department. After 8 years of honing her content creation and management skills, Kelly headed to West Michigan with her hubby, put down roots in Grand Haven, and worked part-time at a local agency before turning freelance while raising her two children. In 2014, she dove back into the job market, expanding her skill set to include internet marketing prowess. As a result, you name it, she can write it – from website copy to social media, email marketing, B2B, print, radio, billboards – you get the picture. Basically, she’s got experience coming out of her ears, so it’s easy to see why we snatched her up in September, and why we’re so happy she’s officially a Reveler!kelly-kalis-square-email.jpg

Although Kelly’s always been passionate about writing, she has a degree in Mathematical Sciences – strange but true. When she’s not busy using both sides of her brain, she enjoys spending time with her family camping, hiking, boating, and relaxing on the beach. Kelly’s also an avid runner, loves animals, is a bit of a chocolate snob, and laughs extremely loud. She’s been a great addition to our team! If you want to learn more about Kelly and the awesome content she creates, just ask! You can reach her at [email protected] or by calling 231-727-9778.

For over 20 years, Revel has been building something greater through strong brands that grow business-to-business companies. Connect with us on social media.

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