Brand Building

Road with trees, grass and sky

What’s the Buyer’s Journey and Why Should You Care?

Think about it. You don’t just go out and make a major purchase. First, you realize you want or need something, then you start researching your options, then you pick a lucky winner. It’s a process, and that process actually has a name – it’s called the Buyer’s Journey. What ...
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Surprised woman with computer tablet in her hands

4  Mind-Blowing Blogging Benefits

What’s in it for me? Fair question, right? Most people want to know how something will benefit them before deciding if the endeavor is worth their while. Take blogging, for instance. It’s kind of a big commitment. Do you really need to post blogs on a regular basis? Is it ...
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Computer keyboard with the word "Goals" illustrated on a wood table

Why It’s Not-So-Smart to Not Adjust Your Smart Goals

Setting SMART goals has been a thing for a while now, but just to remind you, this acronym has a few variations, but typically stands for:
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Male hands holding on the frown face poster

How to Make Employees Miserable and Want to Leave

Employee satisfaction is a big deal. It’s what makes your staff members want to come in every morning and be awesome at their jobs. When employees are happy, they’re more productive, stick around, and even promote your business to other potential employees – bonus!
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Industrial worker with welding tool

What makes Revel unique?

Whenever someone says the word “unique,” I can’t help but think of Tyler Durden’s quote from Fight Club.
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Hand touching papers and sticky notes on table

5 Tips for Successfully Positioning Your Manufacturing Brand

Why is branding important to manufacturing companies? Clients and customers will decide whether to use your company versus a competitor based on cost and perceived quality.
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Warehouse floor

9 Reasons Your Manufacturing Company Needs to Rebrand

There are a variety of situations that may motivate your manufacturing company to consider rebranding. Rebranding is what happens when a company decides to change or shift any significant element of its brand to position itself differently in the market. This might be as simple as integrating a new logo ...
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Revel team members posing for a picture after winning award

Revel Named One of West Michigan’s 101 Best and Brightest Companies To Work For Two Years Running

For the second year in a row, the Best and Brightest competition recognized Muskegon-based marketing agency Revel as one of West Michigan’s 101 Best and Brightest Companies to Work For.
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Person welding on manufacturing floor

Revel Announces New Focus on Serving Manufacturers

Revel has a rich history of building brands, developing websites, and producing compelling marketing for hundreds of clients in dozens of industries.
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Happy employees on manufacturing shop floor

Using Company Culture to Attract and Retain Quality Manufacturing Employees

Manufacturing company leaders know that creating the right company culture is key to attracting and retaining the right employees and, in turn, driving business growth. There are limits to what  businesses can offer employees in the way of pay, benefits, and extra perks to stand out from the competition. A ...
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Labrador retriever with leash is waiting for walk.

Work Life a Little Ruff? Time for an Office Pet.

Do you have a furry friend that you’re particularly attached to? Have you somehow convinced your boss to let Fluffy come to the office with you? Surprisingly, you’re not alone. If your company is one of the cool kids on the block, you may have heard of the newest workplace ...
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Closeup of poker hand of aces in pastel colors

The Value of “Just Doing It.”

Since I’m writing this and I’m sorta lazy, this definitely isn’t about Nike or pushing yourself to your physical limits. It also has nothing to do with Shia LaBeouf, though I suppose there may be a common theme between that life-changing speech and what I’m talking about.
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