What makes Revel unique?

Whenever someone says the word “unique,” I can’t help but think of Tyler Durden’s quote from Fight Club.

“You are not special. You are not a beautiful or unique snowflake. You are the same decaying organic matter as everything else.”

Okay, maybe he wasn’t referring to marketing agencies, but with apologies to Mr. Durden, I beg to differ.

Part of differentiating Revel from the myriad of other marketing agencies out there is boiling down what we do into Three Uniques. Other common marketing terms for this are “differentiators” and “value proposition.” Plainly put, this is what makes us special. We excel at these three things.

This is straight out of the Traction playbook:

Southwest Airlines is a great example of this. They focus on low fares, on-time flights, and having fun. That’s what drives everything in the organization’s business model. If you’ve flown on Southwest, you know it doesn’t offer any frills. As a result, it doesn’t appeal to everyone, but that’s okay. Those things matter to Southwest’s ideal customer, and that’s all that counts.

So, why are we uniquely qualified to serve manufacturers?

  1. Manufacturing first.

We focus on manufacturing. We’re a trusted marketing resource for small to midsize American manufacturing companies. We know marketing, we know manufacturing, and we know how to get results.

  1. Strategies backed by research. 

Research builds consensus. It helps tailor our client’s message and effectively reach their audience. It allows them to base decisions on facts rather than opinion.

  1. Relationships with results. 

We’re not successful unless our clients are successful. We change the perception of marketing from being a cost center to revenue-producer for manufacturers. We concentrate on what clients truly want from us: effective advertising that moves people to action.

Take that, Tyler. We are special, especially when it comes to creating marketing that delivers results to manufacturers.

By Jason Piasecki, Partner + Manufacturing Marketer

Jason is a Partner and the CEO at Revel, a B2B marketing agency. He is a diehard baseball fan who loves his Detroit Tigers. Family vacations often revolve around seeing games in different MLB ballparks around the country – they’ve been to 21 so far and counting. Connect with him on LinkedIn or Twitter.

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