4  Mind-Blowing Blogging Benefits

What’s in it for me? Fair question, right? Most people want to know how something will benefit them before deciding if the endeavor is worth their while. Take blogging, for instance. It’s kind of a big commitment. Do you really need to post blogs on a regular basis? Is it really going to make a difference? Will anyone even notice? Yes, yes, and yes!

Blogging – done right – has so many benefits you might want to get more comfortable while we list them all. On second thought, how about we just go through the top 4 most convincing reasons why blogging is good business?

1. Increased Traffic to your Website

Who doesn’t want more website visitors? Yeah, that’s what we thought. A major goal in pretty much everyone’s marketing plan is to gain more traffic. After all, the more people who visit your site, the more awareness you build, which incidentally is the first step in growing your customer base. So what brings in new visitors? Hint: It’s not your static contact page. It’s new and relevant content! Whenever you post a blog, it’s another page that gets indexed which translates to another chance of being found by search engines, and consequently people. Not only that, but new blogs can be shared on social media — Bam! You just got exposed to an even wider audience.

2. More Chances for Conversions

Now that your blogging has driven all this traffic to your website, you have an increased number of chances to capture those visitors, and turn them into leads or even convert them into customers. How? With a little thing called a CTA, otherwise known as call to action. CTA’s can be cleverly inserted into blogs, offering an exchange of some additional useful piece of content for a visitor’s contact information. Download a free ebook or whitepaper, sign up for our newsletter or webinar, request a quote or demonstration are all good examples of calls to action to encourage conversions. Look, here’s one now:

3. Positions You As An Authority

Blogging provides you with multiple opportunities to solve your customers’ pain points, not only making you a hero in their eyes, but establishing you as an authority on the topics you present and a trustworthy source for solutions to their problems. Congratulations! You just set yourself up as the experts and your sales team will love you for it! It’s much easier to close a sale when you’re dealing with an already knowledgeable and trusting potential customer.

4. The Results Just Keep Coming

Blogging can lead to some pretty darn serious long-term results. Sometimes, you can post a new blog and it’ll get so many views and create so many leads in so many days. But it doesn’t stop there. Maybe someone shares the blog on social media a month later, increasing its views and generating more leads. Perhaps search engines start offering it up as a search result, and what do you know? The views and leads continue to add up. In short, blogs are like the gift that keeps on giving!

What’s in it for you? Well, we could go on, but you probably get the picture by now. The benefits of blogging are tremendous for businesses of all kinds. Give us a call and find out more about blogging benefits plus a whole lot of other marketing tidbits of awesome information. Just dial  231-727-9778. Hey, look…another CTA:

Kelly honed her writing, editing, and management skills during her years as a writer and Associate Creative Director at Detroit area agencies. After freelancing from home so she could raise her two kids, she added internet marketing to her skill set. She also has held or currently holds such prestigious titles as Addy, Caddy, and RAC awards-winner, University of Michigan Mom, hockey mom, soccer mom, and other variations of Mom, and Alma College Athletic Hall of Famer in track and cross-country.

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