Brand Building

Bodies with arms crossed with a question mark, gears, lightbulb and rocket in place of heads

Marketing to Multiple Decision Makers? Start with Buyer Personas.

In contrast to much consumer buying, the business-to-business (B2B) buying decision is rarely made solo. Larger purchasing decisions typically involve multiple people within the organization, each with individual motivations and needs. Having a deep understanding of your audience is critical to creating marketing strategies and tactics that lead to customer ...
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Original seven American astronauts in 1959

The Right Stuff

The Right Stuff is the story of the beginnings of the U.S. space program and the first seven Mercury astronauts. These original seven American astronauts were announced by NASA on April 9, 1959. It was clear from the beginning that no one had the first clue how to put a ...
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Open blue door in field

Buyers Have Changed. Your Marketing Plan Should, Too.

Most of us have had to make marketing changes over the past year, pivoting to find new ways to reach prospective customers. Gone are the advantages of face-to-face interactions in a retail store, via in-person sales calls, or at a trade show. It’s likely that any marketing plan you crafted ...
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Jonathan Stepanski - Videographer

80% of all web traffic will be video-based by 2021.

No matter your industry, video is a valuable tool to educate, create brand awareness, and attract customers and employees to your business. In fact, HubSpot declared video to be the top marketing medium of 2019. The same analysts believe 80% of all web traffic will be video-based by 2021. 
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Conference video call, working from home.

Sarah’s Zoom Meeting Tips

Sarah‘s not only an awesome account manager, but she also happens to be our very own Zoom Guru. Here’s some of her expert advice to help you ace your remote meetings and presentations.
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Girl looking through a telescope

How to Refocus Your Marketing to Persevere Through COVID-19

Keeping your business afloat during this most difficult time means inevitably needing to cut back on expenses. Often, marketing budgets are the first to be reduced or eliminated, but at a time when you need to stay in front of your customers more than ever, this could be a short-term ...
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Topview of hands holding a website wireframe illustration in front of a desktop computer

Analytics Show You Should Say No to Sliders (Sorry)

While marketing analytics typically conjure up thoughts of website traffic or social followings, the truth is analytics can be used to not only measure what has been or is currently going on, but also measure trends. This is an even more valuable set of data since it allows you to ...
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Baseball player running the bases

The 3 Essential Components of Marketing Analytics

Don’t tell our baseball fanatic/CEO Jason, but collecting data is on the verge of surpassing the sport as America’s favorite pastime. Marketers especially seem consumed with analytics, and it’s easy to see why. What better way to prove ROI than to be able to measure and show the effectiveness of ...
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Young boy with head on the table writing on paper with a pencil

Good Marketing Strategies Start with Doing Your Homework

Funny thing about building a strong marketing strategy…there’s a strategy behind it!
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Wood blocks

How Branding Can Build Your Manufacturing Business

Ever realize you need to run to the store for milk and figure you’ll be in and out so fast, why change out of your comfy pajama pants, brush your teeth or comb your hair? It’s okay, we’ve all done it. And we’ve all had the same thing happen: despite ...
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Man with 70's suit, shirt and sunglasses with handlebar mustache

Signs You Should Consider Rebranding

Sometimes it’s obvious when you need a change. If people think you’re on your way to a throwback 70’s party when you’re really just heading to the store — that’s a pretty good sign you could use some updating. Other times, it’s hard to recognize when a change is in ...
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Top view of hands on computer laptop and computer tablet

Top 5 Reasons Manufacturers Need Digital Marketing

The 4th Industrial Revolution. IIoT. Artificial Intelligence. Robotic technology. These aren’t just buzz words anymore, they’re a reality of manufacturing today. So, is it any wonder that marketing techniques have evolved right along with the industry? The fact is, as important as it is for manufacturers to embrace the changes ...
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