Using Digital Ads to Attract Qualified Leads and Skilled Employees

What do qualified leads and qualified job candidates have in common? They’re both elusive breeds that can seem increasingly difficult to attract. This is especially true of prospective employees, as local experts predict a continued talent shortage and tight skilled labor market for 2020.

So how do you snare these practically mythical creatures? First, you find them where they live: online. And you acknowledge that the rules of engagement have changed. Outbound marketing just doesn’t cut it anymore, as both prospective customers and prospective employees now prequalify you before you can qualify them.

87% of B2B buyers say online content has an impact on vendor selection. Job seekers of all ages (not only millennials!) consult social media as well as career and industry websites before applying for a job. Inbound marketing that repeatedly gets the attention of your targets is the way to break through.

Effective inbound marketing for manufacturers,  including digital advertising on social media platforms, can increase brand awareness by up to 80%. Unlike their print counterparts, digital ads can be über-targeted to attract an audience of ideal customers and skilled employees. They let you gather valuable data about who is clicking through and then hone your message accordingly. The payoff can be huge in qualified leads and candidates that get converted to customers and employees.

That’s why a whopping 93% of manufacturers use social media for lead generation and brand awareness. Let’s take a look at the three most effective digital advertising channels for manufacturers.

1. Google Ads

The vast majority of prospective customers and candidates will begin their search—whether for a manufacturing partner or a new employer—on Google. With Google Ads (formerly known as AdWords) and the right recipe of keywords, segmented groups, and relevant themes, you can reach a carefully targeted audience that will be most likely to take action.

2. LinkedIn

Marketers rank LinkedIn as the #1 platform for B2B lead generation, so it’s a natural place to share your story with potential buyers. Four out of five LinkedIn members drive business decisions, and the platform delivers twice the buying power of the average web audience. LinkedIn recruitment ads get up to 50x higher clickthrough rates than typical recruitment ads, delivering interested candidates to your virtual doorstep. These are a bit more pricey, but can be well worth the investment.

3. Facebook Ads

Facebook takes the valuable user data we all willingly provide to create tools that enable advertisers (like you) to be as effective as possible, with ads that are 89% accurate at reaching their target audience. With all that data, you can filter who sees your ads by age, location, interests, work history, and more.

We’d be remiss if we sent you into the wild with nothing but clickbait. Before you have prospects nibbling at your ads, be prepared to reel them in with a landing page and website that prompt them to request a meeting or apply for an opening. Compelling content and a user-friendly contact form will inspire them to take action and allow you to capture names, emails, and other relevant information.

Need help with the hunt? Give us a shout at 231-727-9778.

Kate is a copywriter specializing in B2B marketing. In the summer you can find her boating on Lake Michigan; in the fall, cheering on Ohio State football; and during the winter, counting the days til boating season starts again.

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