Consideration: Stop #2 on the Buyer’s Journey

The fact that you are extremely irritable has triggered the realization that you are in need of some stress relief.  But what to do…well, if you’re like most people, you begin to consider your options, right? (like do some yoga or belly up to the bar – you know, for some soothing tea). This represents a transition into the second stage of the buyer’s journey, called, appropriately enough, the consideration stage.

At this point, consumers have identified their problem (“I’m stressed!”) and while they’re not yet ready to decide on a solution, they are ready to start researching what’s out there that could provide the help they need. (a nearby gym or a drinking establishment, that you know, serves tea).

This is when buyers start eliminating solutions that aren’t a good fit, and when marketers can start to qualify their leads.

As mentioned, the main element involved in the consideration stage is research. Buyers start to take a deeper dive into each company’s specific products or services to see how they can address their needs. Naturally, comparisons are made, so now’s the time to offer up some enduring info about your product and brand. In other words, it’s okay in this stage to brag a bit – but the benefits you share have to be authentic, otherwise you’ll come off as too sales-y and – poof – your considering consumer will consider you no more.

So, how do you walk this fine line of pitching your product a little but not too much and comparing it to others without going overboard? You provide the following types of content, that’s how:

Engaging Blogs

Unlike awareness blogs that are strictly focused on providing helpful and educational content, consideration blogs aim to engage readers with a more thorough explanation of products or services and the problems they solve, leading up to a call-to-action (CTA), such as downloading a product guide (say, a tea selection), or signing up for a free demo or class (perhaps Yoga 101).

Typically these content offers are in exchange for the customer’s contact info so you can continue nurturing them all the way to the decision stage. And you know what that means? Go ahead and pat yourself on the back for a job well done, and prepare for a high five from sales for delivering a new lead.    

Expert Resources

Ebooks and powerpoint presentations specifically about your product and brand, comparative whitepapers, and interactive experiences like live webinars and product demonstrations, position you as experts and allow you to get up on your soapbox, so to speak, and highlight the benefits you have over your competitors. You got the buyer’s attention, now it’s time to aim he or she in the right direction (meaning toward you)! The beauty of this type of content is marketing and sales teams working together in harmony — namaste.

Comparison Videos

If you want to increase your number of leads — and let’s face it, what marketing or sales person doesn’t? — make sure your strategic plans include video.

Videos in this stage are all about explaining how you can help solve the viewer’s problem, and by the way, better than your competitors can! Be careful here, though —  remember to be authentic. You want to position your product in a positive light but you don’t want to come across as dishonest, pushy, or ruthless. Your goal is to move consumers onto the final stage of their buyer’s journey, when they make their decision. You’ve come this far, don’t derail them now!

Oh, and don’t worry if at this point leads start to get weeded out. You’ll never close a deal with someone who doesn’t fit your audience and it’s a waste of your time and theirs to try. That’s the best thing about this process: it churns out qualified leads — people who actually want to drink green tea, learn how to down dog, or whatever it is your company offers. This makes things a lot easier on the sales team, right? Which makes you look pretty darn good, too.  

Follow this free checklist to get even more leads, or call 231-727-9778 and let’s talk. We love helping companies reach their goals!

Kelly honed her writing, editing, and management skills during her years as a writer and Associate Creative Director at Detroit area agencies. After freelancing from home so she could raise her two kids, she added internet marketing to her skill set. She also has held or currently holds such prestigious titles as Addy, Caddy, and RAC awards-winner, University of Michigan Mom, hockey mom, soccer mom, and other variations of Mom, and Alma College Athletic Hall of Famer in track and cross-country.

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