
Top 5 Thanksgiving Movies of All Time

Take a cinematic journey with these Thanksgiving classics.
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Reach the Beach Queen's Cup Finish logo

Revel and Pigeon Hill Brewing Company Join Forces to Brand Historic Regatta Finish Party at the Muskegon Yacht Club

Revel and Pigeon Hill Brewing Company team up to brand Queen’s Cup regatta finish party.
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Musical notes

Top Advertising Jingles of All-Time

Jingles are music to advertisers’ ears. 
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Thanksgiving sides

The Best Thanksgiving Sides

Thanksgiving and side dishes go together like turkey and naps. 
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Woman asleep on couch

Asleep at Your Desk? Overcome the Fall Slump with These 5 Tips.

Have you mastered the “I swear I’m not sleeping” head bob? How many cups of coffee do you go through before noon? Do you try to cover up your snoring with poorly timed coughing? You’re not alone. It’s fall, and we’re all tired.
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Overhead view of essentials including camera, smart phone, glasses, flashlight, laptop, wallet, watch, shoes, thermos, multitool, mp3 player

5 Office Essentials You Didn’t Know About

You obviously know all the major office essentials. Computers, pens, desks, chairs, etc. But to really get the most out of your team (and to keep everyone from hating their job) there are a few things you should have in your office that you probably overlooked.
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People making barbecue at a lakeside meadow

6 Tips to Make Your Labor Day Perfect

Well, it’s here. Labor Day, the sad weekend that many mark as the last hurrah of summer. While the weather might stay nice into September, it still feels like the fun is over. You won’t have another long weekend until Thanksgiving, and that’s why you need to go out in ...
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Bacon being fried in a pan.

BACON: The Greatest Thing in the World (Video).

The salty, savory, succulent gift from the food gods, the tastiest treat to ever come from an animal, and the greasy little slice of decadence, affectionately referred to as “meat candy.” This beloved meat treat finds its way into salads, omelets, burgers, soups, and even ice cream. It’s served – ...
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Tattered american flag blowing in the wind

6 simple steps to having the most american 4th of july ever.

Wondering how you can celebrate America’s birthday this weekend? Not a “sparklers in the backyard” celebration. I mean a full on handlebar-mustache-sporting, cow-eating, national-debt-having, SUV-driving, beer-gut rocking, country-singing America-thon. If you’re looking for that type of 4th of July, then I’ve got you covered. It isn’t hard to make your ...
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Man crouching down lifting a pole with laptops attached to it instead of weights

working out at work

Let’s not beat around the bush here – desk jobs can make you fat. But they don’t have to.
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Colorful infographic

Yes, Gamification is a Real Thing

It sounds like a silly term – at least a little bit – but “gamification” is trend that has been gaining steam over the last few years. And it means exactly what it sounds like: literally turning everyday events, monotonous tasks, and pretty much anything you can think of into ...
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Woman working on laptop

Manage your inbox – manage your life.

Are you one of those “check your email every 5 seconds” kind of people? One of those “stressed out, buried up to your neck, not getting any work done because of all the incoming messages” types? Well, you aren’t alone.
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