Marketing Strategy

Man with binoculars

How to Turn Your Marketing Strategy into a Magnet for Your Skilled Labor Search

Technology has transformed many-an-industry, not the least of which is manufacturing. Products are produced differently, consumers are most definitely buying differently, and at the same time, potential employees are seeking out opportunities differently. Yet in many cases, industrial marketing strategies fail to adapt to this changing customer and job-seeker experience. 
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Young boy with head on the table writing on paper with a pencil

Good Marketing Strategies Start with Doing Your Homework

Funny thing about building a strong marketing strategy…there’s a strategy behind it!
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Cement silos

How to Align Marketing Strategies to Business Goals

Spoiler: if you want your marketing to be effective and make an impact on the big picture of the company, you can’t operate in silos.
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Growth strategy graphic

Maintaining a Sustainable Growth Strategy

For the past few years we have been in a flat growth cycle economically. Yes, manufacturing goods are growing at a rate of 3% on the average, however inflation takes most of that growth impact away. We are in a flat economic period.
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The Difference Between a Marketing Strategy and a Tactic

What came first, the chicken or the egg? Why did the chicken cross the road? And why do burning questions like these seem to always involve chickens? Unfortunately, the answers to these classics remain controversial, but one classic question we often hear has a very definite answer (and absolutely nothing ...
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Cowboy hat

What Is White Hat SEO and How Can It Help My Business?

Want to improve your business marketing tactics but not sure what more you can do to rank higher in Google search results? You’re not alone. Utilizing SEO in an ethical, beneficial way is harder than it seems. White hat SEO tactics will drive organic traffic to your website, but what ...
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Multiple targets with arrows in the bullseye

Target the Right Customers for Your Manufacturing Company

Narrow-mindedness isn’t typically considered a good thing, however, when it comes to marketing, especially in the crowded world of manufacturing, a narrow focus is exactly what you need! Rather than spread your marketing efforts too thin and across too many channels, in the hopes of maybe, just maybe capturing a ...
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Padlock on top of computer keyboard

Are You Prepared for the General Data Prevention Regulation (GDPR)?

A while back, Google put out a blog saying they were Getting Ready for Europe’s new data protection rules. Passed in 2016, General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) will come into effect May 25, 2018 and will play a vital role in regulating your data.
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The word "translation" highlighted in pink

Get with the Google Ad Lingo

If you’re like most business execs, you’ve got a lot of stuff to do, and we’re thinking that deciphering the terminology of Google Adwords isn’t at the top of your to-do list! Here’s the thing, though: Google ads can be super effective at driving exactly the kind of people you ...
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