How Can Social Media Possibly Help Manufacturers?

Listen, we get it. As a manufacturer, you can’t imagine yourself hanging out with the likes of funny memes and pet videos, but we’re here to tell you, social media isn’t just for family and friends and B2C businesses anymore! Done right, it can actually offer a host of benefits for manufacturers, from boosting awareness, to connecting with customers, to building relationships with distributors and supply chain vendors, and obtaining valuable feedback to help improve ROI seriously, it can do all that!

Sure funny memes and pet videos are out there, and social media continues to be a great way for people to stay connected, and share, you know, funny memes and pet videos. However, the platforms have evolved into so much more, becoming a means by which manufacturers can generate leads, engage with customers, and nurture them to conversion. The fact is, every modern manufacturing marketing plan should include social media, and here’s how it can be leveraged:


If you’re like most manufacturers, you probably think Facebook especially is not the place for you, but trust us, it’s time you reconsider. 

Funny memes aside, this is the perfect platform to let customers get to know your company. It’s where you can demonstrate your culture and values, as well as your community involvement. Don’t underestimate the importance (and power) of this type of information. Customers eat this stuff up, and you know who else does? Potential employees! A shortage in skilled labor continues to plague manufacturers, and companies utilizing sources like Facebook are getting the cream-of-the-crop candidates. That’s because A. you can easily target ads, and B. company Facebook pages show up in search. This means when potential hires are out there looking, they find your page and its posts representing what a great company you’ve got, and before you know it, they want to know where to sign! Oh, and not only can you capture the perfect candidate, but you can also capture more leads by sharing relevant blogs and videos (albeit probably not involving pets) with strong calls to action.


Twitter for manufacturers? Yes! And no, we have not lost our marbles. The truth is, Twitter is a great place for manufacturers to interact with a like-minded audience since it allows you to reach and start conversations with specific and relevant industries. You can share blogs, ideas, news – and you can gain followers who could very well become customers. A hashtag may be a pound sign in disguise, but it’s also a magnet for new business.


If you had to choose just one — which, for the sake of optimum results, hopefully isn’t the case, but if you had to choose — LinkedIn is the way to go. Known as the professional networking platform, this is where businesses, including manufacturers, share news, content, and knowledge. It’s where you can build and strengthen not only relationships, but also a reputation as a thought leader. Plus, it’s a great place to recruit new employees (not to mention new leads).


YouTube continues to be the top platform for videos and videos continue to be at the top of the list for most consumed content – and we’re not talking about just pet videos, here! We’re talking incredible opportunities to educate customers on your products and company with how-to videos, product demos, drone videos of your facility, and more. Fact: videos about your product and company are 4 times more likely to be watched than content about them is read!

Can social media really help manufacturers? Um, that would be a resounding yes! Learn more manufacturing marketing know-how from your friends at Revel. Call us in Muskegon, MI at 231-727-9778. And of course, don’t forget to follow us on Facebook!

Kelly honed her writing, editing, and management skills during her years as a writer and Associate Creative Director at Detroit area agencies. After freelancing from home so she could raise her two kids, she added internet marketing to her skill set. She also has held or currently holds such prestigious titles as Addy, Caddy, and RAC awards-winner, University of Michigan Mom, hockey mom, soccer mom, and other variations of Mom, and Alma College Athletic Hall of Famer in track and cross-country.

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