
Feet in woollen socks by the fireplace.

The 5 Best Christmas Movies You Didn’t Think Of.

Nothing beats staying in on a cold December night and getting in the holiday spirit with a great Christmas film. The classics are great, but sometimes your holiday movie rotation needs to be spiced up. Let’s be honest: hearing your family recite every line of Christmas Vacation one second before ...
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Jason, Andy and Don in front of Revel office

Revel Turns 5!

Five years ago, three people joined forces to form a creative agency, the likes of which the world had never seen – but let’s not be melodramatic about it. See how we started and how we’re evolving to give you the best creative possible.
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Jason Piasecki posing in front of desk in Revel office

6 Astounding Things I Learned from Jason Piasecki (Video)

Some say Jason Piasecki operates in a consistent state of 21st-century business-nirvana. The truth is – he does. Working closely with Jason for years, I’ve learned thousands of life lessons. Neither of us has the time to go through every one. So here are the 6 most amazing things Jason ...
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Pete, Drew and John holding up Revel Awards

The First Annual Revel Awards

Recently, Revel took some time to celebrate and acknowledge a few of our Revelers who have gone above and beyond. We took a walk down to the Frauenthal Center for Performing Arts, and our gracious partners hosted the first annual Revel Awards, complete with custom prizes and Whistlepunk Pizza. It ...
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Intern Chuck juggling

The Man, the Legend, the Intern Chuck

A lot of companies give interns a crash course. Ours wears a helmet.
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Laptop computer screen displaying web code

Web Terms for Non-Web People

People who know a lot about the internet can make you feel kinda dumb when they start throwing around fancy terms like metadata and API integration. Here are some basic terms that can help you keep up.
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Mechanic shaking hands with client

Make People Love you at First Sight

It’s no secret that people make snap judgments about the people they meet, about the places they walk into, about the websites they visit, and about pretty much everything. First impressions are serious business and can shape the assumptions people hold onto for a long time – sometimes despite evidence ...
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Bacon being fried in a pan.

Office Tailgating is a Thing

The giant snow piles have finally melted, the sun is shining, the birds are chirping (and pooping), and every road you take to work is suddenly lined with orange construction barrels. Oh yeah, it’s summertime. And in our world, there’s only one summer activity that truly matters: tailgating. Why? Because ...
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Watching a football game on TV with feet and snacks on a table

Top 5 Super Bowl XLIX Ads

Well, the Super Bowl is over, and what a game it was. There were hard hits, amazing catches, concussions, a giant lion, Missy Elliot, and a wild brawl. Of course we can’t forget about those commercials. Here are our five favorites from this year, in no particular order:
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Black joystick and green buttons on an old arcade game

Why We Love ’80s Arcade Games

We get plenty of work done here at Revel, but we also really like to have fun. It’s a pretty integral part of our office atmosphere – and, you know, an excuse to goof off a little during the workday.
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Man working on a laptop inside of a cardboard box

I Learned How to Think Inside the Box

A few weeks ago, Revel sent me to the How Interactive Design Conference in Chicago, which focused on interactive design; primarily in the form of web design. I went into it thinking “I’m going to learn from these amazing designers around the world, and with that knowledge, I’ll come back ...
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What Do Jason Piasecki, Gerald Ford, and Colonel Sanders Have in Common?

  They’re all Paul Harris Fellows, of course.   This past July, Revel’s own Jason Piasecki joined the ranks of former President Gerald Ford and chicken pioneer Colonel Sanders (among others) by being named a Paul Harris Fellow by the Muskegon Rotary Club.
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