Brand Building

Specs Don’t Sell

Stop selling features and start selling benefits.  In my 25+ years helping B2B companies market their innovative products and revolutionary technologies, I’ve learned a valuable truth—specs don’t sell. The most successful companies understand this. They know focusing solely on features and technical details won’t win customers. Instead, they prioritize building ...
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Humanizing B2B

Stop selling features and start telling human-centric stories. The meteor is coming… There is a giant piece of molten rock heading your way. It’s big, it’s scary, and it’s going to have a catastrophic effect on your profession. But what can you do to stop it? That’s how the cofounders ...
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Drew, Drew, Drew!: The Truth About Marketing Jobs & AI

Sorry, Sam. AI hasn’t made me obsolete yet.  We’ve been watching reruns of The Brady Bunch on Amazon Prime at our house recently. From 1969 to 1974, and for years after in syndication, there was no finer sitcom for kids born in the 70s. For the uninitiated, here’s the story…of ...
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Good Tuesday Reveal

Muskegon marketing firm’s $90,000 Giving Tuesday initiative helps put Kalamazoo nonprofit ‘on the map’

Revel used a 24-hour marketing marathon to create a free, comprehensive marketing campaign for Girls Build Kalamazoo
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A Marketer’s Take on Rick Rubin’s ‘The Creative Act’

To cultivate a creative mindset, start by embracing the process of making art.
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Girls Build Kalamazoo

Kalamazoo nonprofit that breaks down barriers and stereotypes for girls chosen to receive free marketing makeover

Michigan marketing firm Revel to provide pro bono effort for Girls Build Kalamazoo during 24-hour marketing marathon on Giving Tuesday
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Revel Good Tuesday logo

West Michigan marketing firm adds twist to “Giving Tuesday” with 24-hour “Good Tuesday” marketing marathon

Any Michigan company can apply to receive a free, comprehensive marketing campaign from Revel.
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Chris Pratt

Brand Refresh vs. Rebrand: What’s Best For Your Company?

No budget for a rebrand? Consider a brand refresh.
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White paper airplane on yellow background

Great Marketing Starts with a Great Strategy

A sound strategy is the key to a successful marketing effort.
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MD & M West

A First-timers Take on MD&M West

From artificial intelligence to the metaverse, MD&M West has it all.
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Making a New Year’s Marketing Resolution That Actually Works

A useful guide to annual marketing planning. 
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