The First Annual Revel Awards

Recently, Revel took some time to celebrate and acknowledge a few of our Revelers who have gone above and beyond. We took a walk down to the Frauenthal Center for Performing Arts, and our gracious partners hosted the first annual Revel Awards, complete with custom prizes and Whistlepunk Pizza. It was a night – er, afternoon – to remember.

Earlier this year, the Revel team anonymously voted on which Reveler best embodied each of our three company values. The votes were then collected and the awards prepared, each named after a partner. Obviously, when we say “above and beyond,” we mean it. Living our values is hard work. Luckily for Revel, we have a strict Rockstars Only hiring policy. The vote was close, but these three candidates rose to the top.

John Scianna, Art Director – The Pieman Award, “Do things really, really well.”

John’s been doing things really, really well since he was born. In fact, at age 3, he could already recite the Constitution – backwards, in Latin. Nowadays, he works with us, lives in Grand Rapids, and drinks as much West Michigan craft beer as he can handle. His need for perfection and willingness to speak up, coupled with his knowledge of both design and web, make him a
force to be reckoned with in the office. Basically, what I’m saying is, John Scianna is Revel’s John Cena. JOHN CENA.

Pete Lounsbury, Creative Director – The Donnie Award, “Care as much as others do.”

Legend says that if you find a magical Pete Lounsbury in the wild, you must capture him, pump him full of Unruly brews, and put his creative wisdom to work. We basically did just that. In the office, Pete is straightforward and steady with his feedback. He supports and directs the design team, while allowing them to take risks and remain creative. When Pete’s not moshing at an obscure music festival, he eats, sleeps, fights street crime as a vigilante, and teaches his kids how to drive.

Drew Curi, Copywriter – The Ando Award, “Revel in everything you do.”

Drew started from the bottom, and now he’s here. He embraced the “Revel in everything” value from day one, becoming the first and only Reveler to date to show up for his interview in flames while riding a unicycle. Drew crafted Revel’s “voice,” or the tone and way we communicate our message to the world. Whether he’s on or off the clock, he finds a way to revel all day long. Drew enjoys passionately talking about himself and preparing for his one-way trip to Mars in 2020.

Everyone here at Revel has a hand in making your marketing efforts unique and powerful. Supporting and recognizing the best of the best at Revel not only showed us how impactful we can be on our own, but also reminded us that the real magic happens when we get together.

When you revel in each other, everyone wins.


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