Top 5 Super Bowl XLIX Ads

Well, the Super Bowl is over, and what a game it was. There were hard hits, amazing catches, concussions, a giant lion, Missy Elliot, and a wild brawl. Of course we can’t forget about those commercials. Here are our five favorites from this year, in no particular order:

1. Budweiser – Lost Dog

We all knew they were coming, its just the manner in which they appear. Budweiser always pulls out the stops when it comes to those majestic Clydesdales, and this year was no exception. Looks like the formula for making a great ad is slowing down I’m Gonna Be (500 Miles) by The Proclaimers, finding the cutest puppy on Earth, putting it in danger, and having horses save the day. Who would’ve thunk it?

2. Snickers – The Brady Bunch

Danny Trejo as Marsha Brady, no shirt, leather vest, axe-in-hand, complaining to Mr. and Mrs. Brady about his appearance for the school dance. Um yeah, that’s pretty much perfect. Let’s not forget about Jan, played by Steve Buscemi, coming in with a classic middle-child reaction. Amazing.


3. Always – Like a Girl

Most of the ads we remember from the Super Bowl are funny. This year, Always dropped an inspiring and empowering commercial that challenged the social norms. This spot was brave, eye-opening, and all-around excellent. Way to advertise like a girl!

4. Toyota – My Bold Dad

Give it up for dads everywhere. Despite the terrible puns and embarrassing sweaters, dads are pretty awesome. Toyota was clever to not push their product this year. They went with the message that stuck, and gave a shout out to the troops in the process. Makes you forget they’re a Japanese company.

5. Nationwide – Invisible Mindy

Our final pick was tough. There were a lot of good ones this year, but Mindy Kaling, sitting in a park naked, eating ice cream in a grocery store, going through a car wash on foot, and then having an incredibly awkward moment with Matt Damon was just too good to leave out. This insurance company brought their “A” game this year.

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