Revel Turns 5!

Five years ago, three people joined forces to form a creative agency, the likes of which the world had never seen – but let’s not be melodramatic about it. See how we started and how we’re evolving to give you the best creative possible.

First, let’s take a trip back to magical time where life was a little slower, where people still had flip phones, and Justin Bieber was just beginning to annoy us. I’m, of course, referring to the wonderful year 2010.

Now, I know what you’re thinking: “What else happened that year, Drew?”

Things that happened 5 years ago.

  • New Orleans Saints won the Super Bowl.
  • The Hurt Locker won Best Picture.
  • Tik Tok by Ke$ha was the #1 song.
  • Mark Zuckerberg was Time’s Person of the Year.
  • Instagram was launched.
  • There were only two Twilight movies …

How they met and joined forces.

Oh, how the memories come flooding back. It was about this time three young marketing entrepreneurs – one a web developer, the second a designer, and the third a video producer – decided to come together and create Revel.

I wasn’t technically there for the actual meeting between the partners, but I imagine it went something like this:

The door opens to a noisy, crowded bar. In steps designer Don. He instinctively starts to cough but then quickly realizes smoking had just been banned in restaurants, so there was no reason to cough. As he felt slightly embarrassed behind his perfectly shaped goatee, he made eye contact with two dudes, simultaneously.

Those dudes were programmer Jason and producer Andy.

As all three guys locked eyes, the bar went quiet, like a scene from an old Western when you know it’s about to go down. They stood there in silence, each one daring the others to break this strange, yet at the same time, comfortable three-way eye contact.

After six days of staring deeply into each other’s souls, they finally shouted out in unison: “Let’s be partners!”

Andy then clarified that it was strictly business partners. Don and Jason agreed.

That was the day Revel was born.

Where we are.

Now, we’re an agency that can give our clients almost any creative service under one roof. From design to writing to web development to video, we’ve done some cool stuff over the years. We’ve also had a ton of laughs, ate our fair share of bacon, knocked back a few beers, and ultimately gained some weight.

But we’re a little older now, so more things are expected of us.

According to the mommy blogs, now that we’re 5 years old, we:

  • Know right from wrong (Mama taught us well).
  • Play make-believe (it’s how we make our living).
  • Like to play with friends rather than alone (“F” is for Friendship).
  • Run in an adult manner (if we run at all).
  • Bounce and catch small- to medium-sized balls (#athletic).
  • Can complete three sit-ups (questionable).
  • Can kick a ball so it travels 10 feet in the air (again, questionable).
  • Cut and paste basic shapes, colors within lines (you know it).
  • Speak fluently and uses correct pronouns and plurals (we’re all talk).
  • Understand opposites (full keg vs. empty keg).
  • Seeks out new words and knowledge (thank you, Google).

That’s a lot to live up to. Luckily, we’re up for the challenge. We look forward to making an impact on our clients’ marketing, the community, and the people around us.

Thank you to everyone who has been part of Revel’s journey so far. Rest assured, we’re just getting started.

Happy birthday to me.

Since no one sang us Happy Birthday, we had to sing it to ourselves. So there.


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