Office Tailgating is a Thing

The giant snow piles have finally melted, the sun is shining, the birds are chirping (and pooping), and every road you take to work is suddenly lined with orange construction barrels. Oh yeah, it’s summertime. And in our world, there’s only one summer activity that truly matters: tailgating.

Why? Because … meat.Have you ever looked at a pile of meat sizzling on the grill? Some angels don’t look that perfect. And don’t get me started on the smell. It’s just a shame they don’t bottle it as cologne. Then there’s obviously the taste. I don’t believe the correct words have been invented to accurately describe how perfect grilled meat can be. Maybe one day…

Basically, what I’m trying to say is that meat is really, really good.

You know what I don’t like about meat? NOTHING! If you don’t eat meat, I suggest you sit in a dark, windowless room and have a good hard think about what you’re doing with your life. I know that’s some pretty harsh truth. But hey, sometimes you have to tell it like it is.

My fellow Revelers and I are committed to getting our meat fix. That’s why every week our partners pick a new meat creation to grill up. The rest of the staff pitches in by bringing in a dish to pass. In reality, only about 4 people bring real dishes, the rest of us bring bags of gas station chips or pre-packaged meat and cheese trays. Either way, it’s a feast to get the week started off right.

We get that it’s odd to tailgate just because it’s Monday, but maybe we’re just a little odd, ever consider that?

Usually tailgating is an activity reserved for sporting events. While we agree tailgating before sporting events is a great way to avoid eating nasty stadium food, catch a buzz without paying $8 a beer, and unfairly judge your daughter’s new boyfriend solely on his sports knowledge; tailgating doesn’t have to be about sports. In fact most of my fellow Revelers think a bowl game is a challenging way to eat cereal.

Tailgating boils down to three essentials:

  1. Enjoy delicious food, particularly meat products.
  2. Enjoy the company of others, even if it’s that drunk guy two spots down.
  3. Enjoy the ingenuity of Tupperware, stowable, grills styrofoam coolers, and all the other nifty products that make tailgating possible.

Someone once said “enjoy the simple things in life,” and there isn’t anything more simple than sitting outside and eating the flesh of another animal. That’s some caveman swag.

So next time you’re considering having quinoa and brussel sprout while binge watching Netflix, stop what you’re doing, call some friends, pack your cooler, and get yourself outside for an old-fashioned tailgate.

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