How Branding Can Build Your Manufacturing Business

Ever realize you need to run to the store for milk and figure you’ll be in and out so fast, why change out of your comfy pajama pants, brush your teeth or comb your hair? It’s okay, we’ve all done it. And we’ve all had the same thing happen: despite intensely hoping otherwise, someone recognizes you. Recognition, in this case, is not a good thing, but for a business’ brand, it’s exactly what’s needed to grow.

Of course, just as in the grocery store “incident,” people will judge your business by the perception you provide. In other words, you not only have to worry about being recognized, but also how you present yourself. After all, you want to be noticed, but also leave a good impression. That’s exactly what a strong brand does. It presents your company in a way that not only helps you stand out from the crowd, but also reflects your values, connects with your audience, cultivates relationships, and encourages consumers to choose you, not just once, but over and over again. That’s called brand loyalty, a.k.a. customer retention, but to get there, to build your business and your customer base, you first have to build your brand. Here’s how:

Take a good hard look in the mirror

If you would have done this before heading to the store, well, let’s just say you would have sent a different message. To create a strong company image – the one you actually want – you must start with a little introspection. What are your values, how do you want people to think about you, what is the main takeaway message you want people to have? Why should a customer choose you? This self-assessment helps build a brand that represents your company accurately. However, you shouldn’t stop there. It’s important to also research your competitors, as well as your customers, to ensure your branding stands out, in all the right ways and to all the right people.

Choose wisely, my friends

Once you’ve landed on the perception you wish to present, you need to choose the elements that make up your brand and combine to elicit feelings and encourage actions. Don’t just pick your favorite color or typical font – think about how these make you feel and choose combinations that will promote how you want your customers to think and feel about you.

Build it and they will come

Now you’re ready to create a logo and tagline –  key elements to any brand. Done right, they should incorporate the company values you’ve pinpointed, the colors and font that reflect those values, and a clear takeaway that resonates with customers. If you want to present your manufacturing business as professional (no pajama pants) and innovative, the design of the logo and the tagline should reflect that in an instance.

Be consistent!

Perhaps the most important part of a good brand is the implementation of it. Consistency is key. This is worth repeating: consistency is key! It’s seriously that important. Your brand should be represented in the same manner across all mediums and materials, from business cards and brochures to your website, packaging, and email templates.

Get your employees on board

One commonality we’ve come across working with manufacturers is the importance of customer service –  it’s the ultimate support of your brand and what makes people remember you. Make sure you get your employees behind your brand and everything it stands for so they can exemplify it in all of their customer transactions.

When you have a brand strategically built in this way, it will not only build awareness, but also reinforce your values, empower your employees, and move your customers to take action. In short, a good brand will build your manufacturing business, as well as your bottom line.

Not sure where to begin? We know a place (wink, wink).

Kelly honed her writing, editing, and management skills during her years as a writer and Associate Creative Director at Detroit area agencies. After freelancing from home so she could raise her two kids, she added internet marketing to her skill set. She also has held or currently holds such prestigious titles as Addy, Caddy, and RAC awards-winner, University of Michigan Mom, hockey mom, soccer mom, and other variations of Mom, and Alma College Athletic Hall of Famer in track and cross-country.

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