Having Processes in Place Makes You an Employer of Choice

As manufacturers, you like a well documented process as much as the next guy, right? After all, it’s what keeps things moving forward continuously and consistently, and that’s a big deal in the manufacturing world. Well, what if we told you having the right processes in place doesn’t just help your business run smoothly, it also plays a big role in attracting skilled labor? Seriously, look what a good process can do:

Instill Empowerment

When you have a documented way of doing things, it clears up any confusion employees may have. They know exactly how to do their jobs without wasting any time tracking down answers. You are giving your employees the tools to easily do their work and do it well, resulting in not only increased productivity and a sense of accomplishment, but also a feeling of empowerment. That’s pretty darn enticing to a potential employee looking to join your team. When others see they will be trained and given what they need to confidently do their job and succeed, they’ll be quick to count you as an employer of choice.

Cultivate a Great Culture

Processes help create a better working environment, and that keeps employees happy, which in turn keeps them coming back. Happy employees who enjoy coming to work each day are not only more productive, but also become built-in promoters of your company. When team members like their jobs, they are more than willing to spread the word about how your awesome processes make for an organized, stress-free and empowering culture – and a great company culture ranks at the top of every must-have list in today’s job-searching workforce.

Provide the Means to Succeed

Consistency is key when it comes to producing quality work and finding and retaining quality people. Process provides structure and continuity – a consistent means by which you can all work toward your goals. When everyone buys in and follows a set process – when they are all on board – well, that means the entire crew is rowing in the same direction, which will clearly get you where you want to go a lot faster. There’s nothing like a success story to attract skilled talent. When they see processes in place that will help them grow and succeed along with your company, that’s a business trait that’s pretty hard to pass up.

At Revel, we are always working on and improving our processes, to ensure we do quality work for you, and also ensure we have the right people in the right seats all working together toward our company goals. EOS (Entrepreneurial Operating System) has been a great help, and could be for you as well. Read more about it here, or give us a call at 231-727-9778. Believe it or not, we love talking about processes as much as you do.


Kelly honed her writing, editing, and management skills during her years as a writer and Associate Creative Director at Detroit area agencies. After freelancing from home so she could raise her two kids, she added internet marketing to her skill set. She also has held or currently holds such prestigious titles as Addy, Caddy, and RAC awards-winner, University of Michigan Mom, hockey mom, soccer mom, and other variations of Mom, and Alma College Athletic Hall of Famer in track and cross-country.

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