Get More Bang Out of Your Blog

Write less, promote more. For marketing people, this mantra ranks right up there with make love not war! Consistently providing new content can be tough, but repurposing content? That not only makes life a lot easier, but also has a host of benefits beyond keeping your own sanity.

Breathing new life into existing old blogs has been known to boost organic traffic and give your leads a lift. It helps you meet audiences in new places and can establish you as an expert on whatever topic it is that you keep reiterating! Believe us, repetition is good.

Ever heard of Marketing’s Rule of Seven? It states that buyers need to hear your message approximately seven times before they will close the deal. Repurposing content keeps your message out there, and the longer it’s out there the more it will sink in, and the more people will think, “Wow, they really know their stuff!”

Okay, enough about why, let’s get to the how. Don’t worry, it’s easy. There are just two simple steps

Step 1:

Start with the Good Stuff

Repurposing content helps it continue to gain value, but only if it’s worth recycling. Your most popular blogs — the ones your audience found most helpful — are the ones with the greatest chance of resonating with an even wider audience. So, the first step in repurposing is doing some digging. To determine your best performing blogs of days gone by, you can’t just pick your favorites — check out the analytics, go back through your data, find which blogs had the most views, engagement, and conversions — sometimes the best performers might surprise you!

Step 2:

Let the Transformation Begin

When we talk about reusing content, we don’t just mean refreshing and updating a popular, old blog. That’s a great start, but you can add even more value and reach new audiences you might not have before by actually transforming your content into different formats using different platforms. The possibilities here, are practically endless! Turn your old blog into a video or content offer. Create an email series, ebook, podcast, infographic, white paper whatever you think your audience would find helpful and wherever you think they might find it.

Boom. You’re done. Well, actually it is kind of an ongoing process, but well worth it, wouldn’t you say? Repurposing content is easy and extremely beneficial. Oh, and if you’re worried search engines might flag you for duplicate content, you can push that thought aside. The almighty Google knows when you’re violating guidelines versus repurposing your message — don’t ask us how, just go with it.

Want to learn more marketing tactics to help your business grow? Download a free resource or give us a call at  231-727-9778. And remember…make love, not war, and just as importantly, write less, promote more. You got this.

Kelly honed her writing, editing, and management skills during her years as a writer and Associate Creative Director at Detroit area agencies. After freelancing from home so she could raise her two kids, she added internet marketing to her skill set. She also has held or currently holds such prestigious titles as Addy, Caddy, and RAC awards-winner, University of Michigan Mom, hockey mom, soccer mom, and other variations of Mom, and Alma College Athletic Hall of Famer in track and cross-country.

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