Finding Your Bull’s-Eye

Who doesn’t want to live a more fulfilling, stress-free life? Finding your Bull’s-eye can help accomplish that goal.

A while back, our agency did a project for Roger Spoelman’s consulting business. Part of that project was designing his Bull’s-eye.

Before we go much further, I think it’s important to share more about Roger’s background.

Roger got his start with Mercy Health as its Director of Cardiac Laboratory and Cardiac Rehabilitation at Mercy General Hospital in Muskegon, Michigan back in 1981. He worked his way up through the health system and is now the President and CEO of the West Michigan Region of Trinity Health. He leads a team of 7,200 healthcare professionals across five hospital campuses in Muskegon and Grand Rapids, Michigan. He has been recognized with numerous community awards and serves on a dozen boards, including International Aid, Muskegon Health Project, CURE International, and Michigan State University’s College of Osteopathic Medicine – not to mention our Revel Board of Advisors.

Needless to say, Roger’s an accomplished guy. So when he shares a business improvement or personal development tool, like Management By Strengths or his Bull’s-eye, we listen.


Here’s how the Bull’s-eye works:

  1. Start by adding the things that energize and strengthen you in the center + area. These should be both personal and work-related.
  1. Next, fill in the things that you are good at but don’t necessarily love in the +- spot.
  1. Last, write down what drains your energy in the outer ring.

Give it a shot by downloading your own Bull’s-eye. Take the time to fill it out. Add and subtract from it. Keep it close by – mine sits on the corner of my desk.

It’s not realistic to eliminate all the things that take away from your energy at work. The key to managing those things is to be aware of them. That will allow you to focus on where you thrive and delegate the tasks that drain your energy, resulting in a much more pleasant and productive work life.

By Jason Piasecki, Partner + Bull’s-Eye Guy 


Jason is a Partner and the CEO at Revel, a B2B marketing agency. He is a diehard baseball fan who loves his Detroit Tigers. Family vacations often revolve around seeing games in different MLB ballparks around the country – they’ve been to 21 so far and counting. Connect with him on LinkedIn or Twitter.

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