Decision Time: The Last Stop on the Buyer’s Journey

The buyer’s journey starts with awareness (Hey, I have a problem!), moves to consideration (What are my options to solve it?), then makes a third and final stop at its stage 3 destination: Decision (Which solution should I choose?).

The Decision stage is like going on your final interview…You’ve caught attention, showed your resume, and now it’s time to cross the finish line first and close the deal! It’s in this stage that buyers are the most qualified because they thoroughly understand their issue as well as their options for dealing with it — in other words, they are ready-to-buy!

At this point, consumers have narrowed down their choices and are perhaps making a pros and cons list of specifics to decide what product or service best fits the needs they have prioritized as most important to them. In order to set yourself apart and win their business, now’s the time to finally pull out all the stops and present the benefits and value of your product or service wholeheartedly! Here’s the kind of content to use when you want to yell, “Pick me, pick me!”

The Brag Blog

You’ve written helpful blogs to gain awareness. You’ve written engaging blogs that position your company as a great option. Now, it’s time to let loose, hold nothing back, and go on about your product like it’s the best thing ever — just be sure you

are able to support your claims! The decision stage is when you can finally start to really “sell” because at this point, consumers are ready to buy, remember?

Case Studies

By the time buyers reach the decision stage, they want to know how you’ve helped others solve their problems or how you’ve met their needs. Reading about previous solutions to similar issues helps consumers to imagine their own outcomes if they choose you. Case studies are a great way to tout your attributes, and back up what you’re saying with tangible results.

Customer Testimonials/Reviews

Similar to case studies, testimonials from happy customers are convincing pieces of content because they show how well your product has performed in real-life situations. This type of information, coming from a third party, outside source vouching for your brand, can be a powerful sales tool. After all, do you know anyone who doesn’t check reviews before making a purchase? What customers say about you can have a major impact on the decision making of potential buyers!

Of course, if buyers do choose you, it’s important to help them continue to see the value in your products. Email marketing is great for nurturing existing customers and keeping them happy by providing additional content to help meet their needs. Regularly send them info on new products or tips they might find helpful. This will not only help to retain your customers, but also encourage them to become advocates of your company. Think of it this way: buyers who are happy with where their journey ended will be the very ones who leave you great reviews and testimonials for the next person who reaches the decision stage.

Well, that brings us to the end of our trek through the buyer’s journey, but that doesn’t mean you have to stop learning about nurturing leads — we’ve always got more where that came from! Call us at 231-727-9778 or check out our free online resources like the one below:

Kelly honed her writing, editing, and management skills during her years as a writer and Associate Creative Director at Detroit area agencies. After freelancing from home so she could raise her two kids, she added internet marketing to her skill set. She also has held or currently holds such prestigious titles as Addy, Caddy, and RAC awards-winner, University of Michigan Mom, hockey mom, soccer mom, and other variations of Mom, and Alma College Athletic Hall of Famer in track and cross-country.

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