Measuring Results


How My Obsession with Data Started with a Blog About Wearables

I became a numbers guy, one step at a time. 1,643 days. That’s how many days there have been since January 1, 2020. Why does that number matter? It’s at least how many days in a row I’ve walked outside. It’s actually more than that because I can’t remember exactly ...
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Developing a Data-Driven Marketing Strategy

I often feel like I’m one of those odd ducks who loves research. I am a research nerd. You give me a topic, and I’m going to read the heck out of it before I have a response. If I’m buying a new car or a new trash can, I’m ...
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Group of professionals collaborating

3 Ways to Collaborate with Your Marketing Agency

Effective collaboration is about choice. 
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Field of Dreams

Measuring B2B Marketing Results: Unlocking Growth with Data-Driven Insights

If you build it right, they will come. 
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White paper airplane on yellow background

Great Marketing Starts with a Great Strategy

A sound strategy is the key to a successful marketing effort.
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What You Need to Know About Google Analytics 4

The gold standard in website analytics is getting a major upgrade.
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Making a New Year’s Marketing Resolution That Actually Works

A useful guide to annual marketing planning. 
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Roosevelt Park All star baseball team

What Coaching Youth Sports Taught Me About Marketing

Coaching and marketing are more alike than you think. 
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Why Marketing Data Without Insights Is Meaningless

What’s wrong with marketing analytics and electronic health records and how to fix it.  
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Social Media Connecting Blog Communication Content Concept

5 Hacks for Choosing Engaging B2B Blog Topics

Content marketing, and blogging in particular, is a relatively easy and low-cost marketing tactic that can be well worth the effort—if you can get your target audience to engage. Blogging can help establish your organization as a thought leader, convert leads to customers, increase website traffic, and even attract qualified ...
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Topview of hands holding a website wireframe illustration in front of a desktop computer

Analytics Show You Should Say No to Sliders (Sorry)

While marketing analytics typically conjure up thoughts of website traffic or social followings, the truth is analytics can be used to not only measure what has been or is currently going on, but also measure trends. This is an even more valuable set of data since it allows you to ...
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Baseball player running the bases

The 3 Essential Components of Marketing Analytics

Don’t tell our baseball fanatic/CEO Jason, but collecting data is on the verge of surpassing the sport as America’s favorite pastime. Marketers especially seem consumed with analytics, and it’s easy to see why. What better way to prove ROI than to be able to measure and show the effectiveness of ...
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