Marketing Strategy

Businessman running through the finish line before the two women running behind him

Decision Time: The Last Stop on the Buyer’s Journey

The buyer’s journey starts with awareness (Hey, I have a problem!), moves to consideration (What are my options to solve it?), then makes a third and final stop at its stage 3 destination: Decision (Which solution should I choose?).
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Woman trying to decide which road to take - left or right

Consideration: Stop #2 on the Buyer’s Journey

The fact that you are extremely irritable has triggered the realization that you are in need of some stress relief.  But what to do…well, if you’re like most people, you begin to consider your options, right? (like do some yoga or belly up to the bar – you know, for ...
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Road with trees, grass and sky

What’s the Buyer’s Journey and Why Should You Care?

Think about it. You don’t just go out and make a major purchase. First, you realize you want or need something, then you start researching your options, then you pick a lucky winner. It’s a process, and that process actually has a name – it’s called the Buyer’s Journey. What ...
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Computer keyboard with the word "Goals" illustrated on a wood table

Why It’s Not-So-Smart to Not Adjust Your Smart Goals

Setting SMART goals has been a thing for a while now, but just to remind you, this acronym has a few variations, but typically stands for:
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Person typing on a keyboard in front of a computer monitor

5 Reasons Why You Should Absolutely Be Using Analytics

Thank goodness for online shopping, am I right? More and more people are taking advantage of technological advances and the opportunities they afford us, from real-time communicating to accessing instant information, banking and buying products, even simple credit card transactions — but even when you consider all this, the most ...
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Hands holding computer tablet with a business report on screen

What Your Analytics Are Trying to Tell You

Sometimes it can feel like you need a magic decoder ring to determine what the heck your analytic data means. It’s as if Analytics is like a whole other language that even Rosetta Stone can’t help you learn. We get it. That’s why we’re giving you this glossary of the ...
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Male hands typing on laptop

How to Build an Amazing Email That Gets Results

Odds are you’re receiving an email right this very minute. Blink and your inbox is full all over again. If anyone thinks email is no longer relevant, all you need to do is pull out some recent stats. Like the fact that email users are expected to reach 3 billion ...
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