B2B Marketing

Director's clapboard

Is Your Manufacturing Website Missing Videos?

  If you’re missing videos on your manufacturing website, you’re also missing something else: a major opportunity to capture leads! In the fast and busy world of digital marketing, more and more people gravitate toward images and video than ever before, preferring to watch rather than read. In fact, the ...
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Sticky note with the word "oops!" on it

4 Faux Pas to Avoid in Industrial Website Design

Woo-hoo! You have a website. Unfortunately, so do over a billion other people and companies. The fact of the matter is, simply having a website isn’t enough to actually be found online, and if your site’s design is less than stellar, well, all the more difficult to keep visitors who ...
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Intense looking man looking at downward trending chart graphic

What Manufacturers Can Expect with Outdated Websites

The old school way of thinking is that manufacturing is dirty, loud and sweaty, but a lot has changed over the years, hasn’t it? That’s not what today’s manufacturing industry is like…so why do so many manufacturing websites still leave a negative impression?
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A sticker nametag on a shirt that says "Hello, I'm a Prospect"

How to Drive Conversions with the Right Content

They started out as online diaries of sorts, with people sharing their every waking moment with the world (interesting to a mere few), but blogs, and all forms of content for that matter, have evolved into key components of every manufacturer’s marketing plan aimed at generating leads and converting website ...
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Stainless steel funnel

5 Tips to Capture leads Lost in Your Sales Funnel

We all know that a funnel is used to channel down large quantities of stuff, like flour or oil if you’re baking a cake. Well, if what you’re trying to cook up is business, that “stuff” is a whole bunch of leads, and you sure don’t want them to become ...
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Unqualified sign with a person cutting the Un out

Weeding Out Your Website’s Unqualified Leads

Manufacturers everywhere want to increase leads, but not all leads are created equal, are they? While generating a boatload of leads from your website is great, you can’t celebrate like your ship just came in before you know how many in that boatload are actually ready to take the plunge!
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Glass of water

How to Create Content that Resonates with Engineers

How many of you have heard this one before? An optimist, a pessimist and an engineer walk into a bar…
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Happy team members having a discussion

Michigan Manufacturing: Embracing Tech and Talent to Fuel the Future

Michigan is making national news. You wouldn’t blame cynics if they greeted that statement with a collective groan of, “What’d we do this time?” Perhaps I should revise that opening to say Michigan is making good news nationally. It doesn’t roll off the tongue quite the same but it’s a ...
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