Signs You Should Consider Rebranding

Sometimes it’s obvious when you need a change. If people think you’re on your way to a throwback 70’s party when you’re really just heading to the store — that’s a pretty good sign you could use some updating. Other times, it’s hard to recognize when a change is in order. You can get comfortable, even complacent, and not even realize a change would do you good (remember how long you insisted on that feathered haircut?) Your business’ brand is no different. It can go long periods of time without notice until suddenly it dawns on you…it’s going without notice! Nobody out there recognizes it, seeks it out, cares or even knows what it stands for, or worse yet, thinks it stands for something entirely different than you want. The fact of the matter is, if the thought of rebranding has never crossed your mind, it’s probably high time you rebranded! Here are some other tell-tale signs that indicate your brand is ready for an overhaul:

You’ve just plain changed.

Whether it’s the products and services you provide or the types of problems you solve, or the fact that you’ve grown or changed locations, over the years, businesses are bound to change — in fact, they pretty much have to in order to succeed. Your brand needs to reflect the changes you’ve undergone, and if it doesn’t, then it’s not representing you well! Breaking up is hard to do, but if your brand hasn’t evolved with you, it’s time to move on.

It no longer reflects your vision or works toward your objectives.

This goes hand-in-hand with the just plain changing thing. Just as the business world is always evolving, business models are constantly having to adapt to the changes in industries, technologies, workforces and markets. In other words, as your business changes, typically so does your vision and your goals, and if your brand stays the same while all these changes are going on around it, your message and how you are perceived will not align with the true you.

You feel less than confident to give people your business card or direct them to your website.

Just as you might feel self-conscious about revealing that old tattoo or wearing those totally unhip large glasses with the monogram in the corner, a sure sign you need to rebrand is simply being embarrassed of how you are presenting yourself. While a brand is far more than just a visual representation — logo, colors, fonts, etc. — appearance can impact how people perceive you. If your look and sound (messaging and tone) do not reflect the positioning and personality you’d like your brand to embody, it’s time to do something about it. Rebranding can not only breathe new life into your business, it can also reinstate the pride you have in your company!

You don’t stand out from your competitors.

This is kind of tricky. The whole purpose of a brand is to differentiate you from your competitors, but at the same time, it’s essential that you stand out in a good way, not the way you would in a three piece, polyester, baby blue suit at a trendy bar, if you catch our drift. You need to find your difference, not force it. To separate yourself from the pack, your brand should portray what makes you unique. Rebranding with your unique value proposition in mind will make you recognizable to customers looking for the unique solutions you provide — you know, the customers you actually want to attract. Speaking of that, another sign it’s time to rebrand…

You’re not attracting the right customers or employees.

If you’re unable to generate qualified leads or recruit potential employees, it’s likely your brand is sending the wrong message and thus could use a make-over. Rebranding allows you to redefine yourself in a way that reaches the audiences you prefer, and reflects a company people want to work with or for, rather than one that appears to be in the dark ages or that presents a negative image.

You haven’t thought about your brand in a long, long time.

Like we said up top, it you’ve never considered rebranding or it’s been a long while since it last crossed your mind, that’s a sign you likely should take the plunge! Revamping your brand can add relevance and renewed effectiveness to your marketing efforts, set you apart, position you as a company of choice for both new customers and new talent, and reinvigorate yourself and your employees.

Watch for these red flags, and if you recognize any, take the initiative and give us a call. Sure, you could wait it out until neon colors come back around, but what will happen to your business in the meantime?

Kelly honed her writing, editing, and management skills during her years as a writer and Associate Creative Director at Detroit area agencies. After freelancing from home so she could raise her two kids, she added internet marketing to her skill set. She also has held or currently holds such prestigious titles as Addy, Caddy, and RAC awards-winner, University of Michigan Mom, hockey mom, soccer mom, and other variations of Mom, and Alma College Athletic Hall of Famer in track and cross-country.

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