How I Renewed My Love For Design at the Brand New Conference

“Design is our ticket to the world”

As part of my professional development here at Revel, I had the opportunity to attend the Brand New Conference in Chicago, which focused on branding. The above quote from Mark Kingsley of Malcontent in NYC helps illustrate a recurring theme from speaker to speaker: While each had their own unique outlook and approach to a project, it was evident that they all spent a huge amount of time researching and talking with their client. By being well informed and understanding when to take risks, they were able to find unique pieces that helped manifest beautiful and effective work.

Roanne Adams, owner of RoAndCo tells us, “Start with the idea to create something meaningful.”

As designers, it’s our job to understand how our clients’ business operates and translate that into a visual medium that engages the outside world. The creative element naturally follows an empathetic yet objective look at a company’s personality. This personality is shaped by the sum of many parts: a belief system, stories that promoted growth, a shared vision for the future among employees, and other tidbits that arise from an honest and unbiased look into the inner workings.ByeCV50CMAAoW-P

Roanne reminds us of a great quote by the late Wally Ollins, “Fundamentally, branding is a profound manifestation of the human condition. It is about belonging: belonging to a tribe, to a religion, to a family. Branding demonstrates that sense of belonging. It has this function for both the people who are part of the same group and also for the people who don’t belong.”

It’s our part to create that engagement. Bob Faust believes that it’s about making memories: “When you make an experience, it gets remembered.”
Sol Sender of VSA Partners is the lead on their IBM account, and in 2006, he led the development of the identity for the ’08 Obama campaign. He believes that brands are systems of belief and that they come alive by getting the audience on board: “We show them what they want to be.”
A brand isn’t just a reflection of what a company is, but where it’s going. We can help create exuberance and foster loyalty through identifying possibilities. But none of this is possible without a strong relationship between designer and client as Sol explains: “Great work is born from understanding and by having the permission to understand.” … “Sometimes you need someone from the outside to help you look at yourself.”My career as a designer has brought me to metal foundries, bodybuilding competitions, community gardens, boiler manufacturers, cooking classes, the homes of struggling adults, and on and on. I’ve seen people sweat, laugh, yell, and cry. Design truly has been my ticket to the world, and this inspirational conference helped remind me how lucky I am to do the work that I do. I can’t wait to bring what I’ve learned back to the design team at Revel so we can all benefit from my experience.As Mark Kingsley put it, “I love this s**t.”
-By John Scianna, Art Director + Beer Drinker

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