3 Reasons Not Optimizing Digital Marketing is Not an Option

Why should you optimize?

  1. Because we said so, that’s why.
  2. Go ask your mother.
  3. How much time ya got?

A & B were not satisfying answers even as a kid (unless Mom was a pushover), but C says it all. There are tons of reasons to optimize. Here are the top 3 reasons why not optimizing your digital marketing, is just plain not good.

  1. You Take a Spanking on your Ranking

When your website is not optimized, you have incredibly small odds of showing up on the first page of search results. Sure, someone has to be in last place on the second page that no one sees, but trust us, you don’t want to be that someone. You need to rank in the top 3 -5 results on page 1 to even be a considered by a consumer, and in order to do that, you need to get the attention of search engines with SEO that says, “Pick me, pick me!”

Search engines that can’t find key optimizing factors like relevant words, quality content that meets their criteria, and links from reputable sources, will basically pretend you don’t exist, like they’re giving you the silent treatment for not playing nicely. If search engines ignore you, guess what? So will prospective customers.

  1. User Experience Goes Down the Drain

Search engines want to see mobile-friendly, responsive design and integrated visuals. Design, images and videos that go without being optimized are kind of like speed bumps that slow search engines down and make them get all irritated. This makes for a less than enjoyable user-experience, which makes visitors get irritated, too. In other words, SEO makes search engines happy, and that makes users happy, which means higher conversion rates that make you happy!

  1. Trust and Traffic Take a Turn for the Worse

Not taking optimizing seriously results in search engines and users not taking you seriously either, and in turn, any authority, trust and brand loyalty you have worked so hard to build up, starts going down, taking traffic to your site right along with it. Ranking high on the search results list equates to being a highly respected industry leader, while ranking low often gives off signals of a not-so-sophisticated company — which do you think a user would choose?

Consumers today research everything before they buy. Not optimizing is not an option because it basically makes you not an option in the eyes of potential customers.

Not to say we told you so, but actually we think we just did. We gave you three good reasons to optimize, and if you don’t listen, there will be consequences.

Don’t let search engines punish you! Get the help you need with SEO by calling 231-727-9778. We’ll not only help you optimize, we’ll throw in free marketing resources. Look, here’s one now…

Kelly honed her writing, editing, and management skills during her years as a writer and Associate Creative Director at Detroit area agencies. After freelancing from home so she could raise her two kids, she added internet marketing to her skill set. She also has held or currently holds such prestigious titles as Addy, Caddy, and RAC awards-winner, University of Michigan Mom, hockey mom, soccer mom, and other variations of Mom, and Alma College Athletic Hall of Famer in track and cross-country.

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