Win the War for Talent

Revel and Axios HR are teaming up to tackle one of manufacturing’s biggest challenges: attracting and hiring the right employees. Read about strategies to win the war for talent here, then join Revel’s Jason Piasecki for a free webinar to learn more.

The war for talent is not going away.

To have a chance at winning the war for talent, you must take full control of your talent attraction strategies through digital efforts and local outsourcing partners.

The old paradigm was for companies to post jobs online and wait for candidates to apply. According to Kathryn Minshew with The Muse, candidates are doing tons of research first. They may Google the company or go to a career site; they may land on numerous platforms before they apply. It’s akin to a high consideration purchase like a vacation or a car. People aren’t buying based on a single data point.

Attraction strategies need to be designed to:

  • Increase traffic to career opportunities at your business
  • Sell the career opportunities at your business; recruiting is sales
  • Improve the job candidate’s impression of your company via digital marketing
  • Impress candidates multiple times along their career search journey
  • Provide recruiting fuel to your local outsourcing partners

Recruiting has drastically changed over the last decade. If your talent attraction strategy today is similar to your strategy last year than this explains why you could be losing the war for talent. You need to reverse the way you think about recruiting and attracting talent. You need to be thinking about video marketing, web assets, career pages, consumer review sites such as Google Ads and Glassdoor, your digital footprint, virtual career fairs, social media and much more. Every single potential opportunity to engage with talent needs to be optimized. Your talent attraction strategy needs to stand out above all of your competition for talent. It needs to be agile yet simple, powerful yet honest, encouraging yet only attract the best talent in the market.

To learn more, join Axios HR and Revel on November 28, 2018 for the webinar: 

How to Make Your Website a Top Notch Recruiting Tool

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