West Michigan’s Best and Brightest Companies to Work For Highlights Revel for the Seventh Time

Revel has been named one of West Michigan’s Best and Brightest Companies to Work For in 2023. This marks the seventh year the company has received this honor. 

“The Best and Brightest award is a validation of our core values and the hard work that each member of our team puts in every day,” says Revel partner Andy Maciejewski. “We have a deep commitment to our team and the community, and we work hard to continuously improve our practices. This award serves as a benchmark for our progress, and each year we will strive to build upon our current accomplishments​.”

Revel, a Muskegon-based marketing agency, has dedicated itself to building strong brands to assist in the growth of business-to-business (B2B) companies. The firm creates individualized strategies and tactics to deliver measurable results to their clients to meet their unique and unparalleled business and marketing ambitions.

“Revel is the first place I’ve worked that really feels like they have my back,says Revel content specialist Amber Vlietstra. “I came to Revel in the middle of the pandemic and I discovered pretty quickly how hard this team of people works every day. When the opportunity to become a part of the team presented itself, it was an easy yes to give. We all work incredibly hard and care very deeply about delivering the very best for our clients, our community, and each other.”

The Best and Brightest Companies to Work For program honors companies that “deliver exceptional human resource practices and an impressive commitment to their employees.” Organizations are assessed based on several categories such as communication, work-life balance, employee education, diversity, recognition, retention, and more. 

As the Best and Brightest website outlines, “Determination, exceptional leadership, and daily ingenuity are three of the key components to any successful organization. The Best and Brightest programs identify, recognize, and celebrate the organizations that epitomize Better Business. Richer Lives. Stronger Communities.”

To learn more about the Best and Brightest Award, visit thebestandbrightest.com. For more information about Revel, visit revelmarketing.com.

For over 20 years, Revel has been building something greater through strong brands that grow business-to-business companies. Connect with us on social media.

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