Marketing Strategy

Crowd at concert

5 Questions to Ask When Defining Your Target Audience

One (kind of crucial) question to ask yourself if you’re a new business owner is, “Who’s going to be my target audience?” In other words, who is going to realistically buy your product/service? You know what you’re providing, and ultimately you’re in charge of who you wish to attract. So, ...
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Top view of a woman's feet with a laptop, headphones and cup of coffee

6 Inexpensive Marketing Ideas That Will Knock Your Socks Off

There are a million and one ways to get your message out there, but since you probably don’t have an endless supply of money, getting the most bang for your buck is crucial. Educate yourself on the right approach and pretty soon you’ll be the “budgeting master.”
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Young woman pondering her future

You’ve launched your new website. Now what?

You spent all this time creating an awesome website. Your new site looks phenomenal on a desktop computer, mobile phone, and tablet. You have page after page of great information you know your customers can’t wait to get their hands on. Congrats! It’s Miller Time. Your boss will be overjoyed. ...
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Side view of smiling man working on laptop

5 Simple Tips for Writing Awesome Email Marketing Subject Lines

Email subject lines are like Transformers: they’re more than meets the eye. While they may be short, writing effective subject lines can be tricky. If you’re like me, then you get bombarded with emails on a daily basis. So how can your email marketing stand out and cut through the ...
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Business handshake in office

Your Marketing Isn’t About You

The traditional mindset of marketing has been to tell your audience about your product or services. This mindset has quickly shifted as consumers are bombarded with more and more advertising. Now, it’s all about focusing on the consumer and how you can benefit them. Think about the advertising that resonates ...
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Man on smartphone

Textbook of Text Message Marketing

When’s the last time you got a text message and didn’t read it? Exactly. Nowadays, people have phones in their hands 24-7. Put your message in a text message and reach your audience in a whole new way. Get your thumbs ready for some textbook text message marketing.
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Spiral galaxy somewhere in deep space

5 Essentials of Omni-Marketing

The latest craze in marketing has been buzzword-ified “omni-marketing.” Sounds fancy, doesn’t it? Really, omni-marketing is being everywhere your target audience is. And I literally mean everywhere. Time to learn what goes into effective omni-marketing. #Knowledge
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Man sitting in front of computer in office

Logos Don’t Literally Have to be Literal

Logos don’t have to tell people exactly what you do. In fact, many of the biggest brands have logos that make no sense. Don’t be afraid to pick something unique – even if it isn’t the most literal representation of your company.
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Vanilla ice cream scooped out of container

The Vanilla Ice Cream Effect

Want to pick the most boring strategies and concepts? Then vote on it. If you’d rather stand out and make really cool and bold decisions, you’ll want to avoid the Vanilla Ice Cream Effect. I can help with that.
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Team of young professionals having a meeting looking at documents

How to (Non)Profit from Marketing

As noble as your nonprofit’s mission is, it won’t be successful if nobody knows about it. Promoting a nonprofit can be a major challenge, one that is completely different from conventional marketing. It’s important to focus on the right things in order to be successful.
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People looking at each other with smile while sitting at the office table

Care about Your Content (Video)

Marketing is all about communicating. Communicating is all about having a message. Getting your message to your audience drives sales. Sales is the reason you do marketing. And we’ve come full circle. So why do so many people forget about content?
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