Amber Vlietstra

Amber earned her B.A. in Psychology and English Writing and her M.A. in Clinical and Community Counseling, working for years as an adjunct professor teaching College Composition. She brings her layered experience to her role as Content Specialist here at Revel. Amber’s love for storytelling has rooted her in her work as a therapist, blogger, teacher, and copywriter. In her mind, each role has been an opportunity to help people find the words they couldn’t find on their own.

Developing a Data-Driven Marketing Strategy

I often feel like I’m one of those odd ducks who loves research. I am a research nerd. You give me a topic, and I’m going to read the heck out of it before I have a response. If I’m buying a new car or a new trash can, I’m ...
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B2B Content Marketing: Why Your Company Needs It

Most of my friends have no idea what I do for a living. When I say I’m a “content specialist,” they know it has something to do with writing, but unless they work in marketing themselves, they have no idea what all “content” encompasses—or how important it is. In marketing, ...
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6 Emerging Trends in B2B Marketing in 2023-2024

Current marketing trends to incorporate into your marketing strategy.
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3 Grammar Trends to Know in 2023

Grammar rules are meant to be broken. Sometimes. 
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Stack of books and laptop computer

5 Books Every Writer Should Read

Writers ought to be readers.
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Chat GPT

A Writer’s Perspective on ChatGPT and AI Writing

It’s not the end all be all, but it’s a good place to start.
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